Derrek Stewart Landscape Design Build


The paths, stairways, erosion blankets and plantings shown are managing an extremely difficult steep slope. A slope once unusable, unsightly and troubled with erosion has now become an inviting discovery of rooms and hallways.


Provided but not limited to:

· Barbeque

· Concrete

· Decks

· Design/Planning/Permits

· Drainage

· Erosion Control

· Fencing

· Fire Tables

· Habitat Restoration

· Irrigation

· Lighting

· Shade Structures

· Plant Material

· Play Equipment

· Polluted Run Off Control

· Masonry

· Stone

· Storm Water & Water Pollution Control

· Sustainability

· Water Elements



A chainsaw with a diamond tooth blade, the wooden guide system, water, and people-power cut through and level an existing retaining wall in preparation for a new yard design. Nothing cuts or polishes better than diamonds.

Thinking outside the box is simply creating solutions. A level wall top, ready for the new design after using the diamond tooth chainsaw above.

Deer-resistant plantings and erosion control blankets flank this hillside staircase. 

These construction progress photos show innovative terracing methods. The ladder is where the staircase occurs in the second photo below.

Attention to detail is paramount.

DSL has the experience and confidence to approach difficult site conditions.

Irrigation, ours is state of the art. I'm constantly in the classroom/continuing education. I love the toughest regulations and enforcement agencies because they understand the science and teach me.

Most projects often overlook accounting for trash cans and providing a proper place in a residential landscape.